Step-by-Step: Textured Mid-Length

Creating a textured mid-length men’s cut by Award-Winning Barber

Ross ‘Blue Steel’ Mathieson, of luxury Norwich barbershop Son of the Bear walks you through each step of the process of this authentically lived-in and trendy cut.

From preparation to final touches, and a few useful techniques to help create extra texture!

You’ll learn tips on:

  • Over-directing
  • Cutting Position
  • Balance Checking
  • Razoring

All this results in a low key haircut that more chilled lo-fi clients will wear with pride. So, whether you’re a seasoned barber looking to refine your skills or a beginner eager to learn, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to all that texture!

You can watch the full video below, or view in Youtube – or you can check out the recap on key points in the handy drop downs.

We hope you enjoy, perhaps learn something – and most importantly : be inspired!

The Full Video Tutorial

Recap on key stages

Get a text breakdown of each part of the haircut below. Select the dropdown to read more!

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